Thursday, August 23, 2007


Foxy - $1,800

Sire: Snip's Black Diamond
Dame: Bunny
Age: 8
Size: 14.3 hand & ~ 1,000 lbs

Foxy is a full foxtrotter but is not papered. She will make a great family or kid horse and is fun to ride. She has a very smooth natural gait and stays in it well. She has had experience on long mountain trips and has performed very well. You really can't go wrong with Foxy.

Brood Mares

If you would like to find out more information about any of these brood mares, please contact Don Hatch.

Valentine - 15.2 hands & ~1,200 lbs

Valentine is a really nice 14 yr old mare with a great natural gait that is fun to ride. She has primarily been used as a brood mare, but could still make a great riding horse for many years.

CAS's Princess Jasmine - 15.3 & ~1,150 lbs

Jasmine is a 12 year old brood mare that has an injured front leg and can only be used as a brood mare.

Liz - 15 hands & ~1,150 lbs

Liz is an 18 yr old brood mare that is nice to ride, but has been used primarily as a brood mare

Moonglo - 15.2 hands & ~1,300 lbs - 22 yr old brood mare

Diamond J's Dilse - 15.1 hands & ~1,200 lbs - 23 yr old brood mare